Dom and Amy have some thoughts on the Liturgy. Here is what Dom has to say:
- The Tridentine Mass should be given a universal indult because it was never suppressed.
- I have no real desire to make the Tridentine Mass part of my worship life. I am quite content to attend my Novus Ordo parish where I have to put up with banal music and--from certain priests, but not my pastor--banal homilies and the occasional liturgical wackiness.
- I would like a whole lot more Latin in the Mass up to and including everything but the readings and homily, especially when non-English speakers and English speakers are praying together. (I would add that I’d also like the Roman Canon to be said more often than not; come on, how much more time does it take really?)
- I’m sick of liturgists who think innovation and copying the secular culture (or worse, the secular culture of 1972) are signs of a healthy spirituality.
- The post-Vatican II changes that put the priest and his personality at the center of attention has been disastrous, not the least to the priests themselves.
- I’d like to replace 90 percent of hymns with simple chant.
So, what he really wants is a car with a Ferrari body, wheels, sound-system, and exhaust -- but not a Ferrari. The general argument is that I want orthodoxy, but only as long as it is on MY terms, and doesn't challenge me TOO much.
Unfiltered, unmitigated, uncompromising orthodoxy and orthopraxis will always be too much for some people.