Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Trads: No Fun for You!

W has a guest post over at Stephen Heiner's regarding sport and celebrity. Overall, a pretty good post, but I admit that I shriek in terror (but not like a little girl) at the conclusion:

But I think that attending professional sporting events still ought to
be avoided because of the potential messages it sends our children. We
are, in a way, buying into the sport hero worship.

Can we Trads not have any fun?!?

I think that informing the conscience of the Faithful is a far more effective approach. What really is wrong with taking my sons to a Saturday afternoon Major League Baseball (MLB) game? Yes, I know that the food and beverages are extremely overpriced. But there is nothing like sitting in a stadium with 10,000 of my new best friends to cheer on the home team.

How are Trads going to witness to and convert the world when we will have no part of it? Are we just supposed to sit at home with our rosaries and pontificating on the blogosphere? The Great Commission has suddenly become the Great-Avoid-Everything-Of-The-World. Is Trad fun limited to board games? I certainly hope not! (I do enjoy board games, by the way. And I agree with W that Settlers of Catan is one of the better games out there).

So in honor of W, I am going home this evening to drink some beer, wine, & whiskey (not necessarily in that order), smoke a Marlboro, and plan my next sporting event with my sons. American boys without baseball ... what is the world coming to?

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