Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Is the Epiphany Declaration Worthwhile?

Many have already seen The Epiphany Declaration and its plebe spin-off.

My question: Is this worthwhile?

Are we really so convinced that the Powers-That-Be actually give a fig about 600 signatures on an online petition? Other than the "Agatha Christie Indult", when has something like this even remotely worked?

As for the "Declaration" itself, do we really want the church to be swayed by "influential" or "big name" people putting together a Declaration? Wow! 40 Intellectuals signed a document asking the Holy Father to free the Classical Roman Rite. Ten-times as many "Catholic" Intellectuals would freely sign a document asking the Holy Father to allow for a married Roman Catholic priesthood. And the online plebe petition would easily get 6000 signatures.

I am not convinced that these Declarations are going to have an impact. I am not convinced that I want them to have an impact. It smacks of Congregationalism, not Catholicism.

Frankly, I don't want the Holy Father listening to any 21st-century-Intellectual-signed Declaration. Americanism and its fruits have infected the whole bunch. This whole "People of God" thing has gone to their heads.

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