The Emancipation Proclamation
Rumour has it that "the Mass will be officially freed next week...Feb 22." -- which just happens to be the Feast of The Chair of St. Peter.
As the rumours and speculations fly, I have a few of my own.
I think that the "Emancipation Proclamation" will be some statement to the effect that the Mass was never really taken away, so there is nothing to free. That way, Rome looks like the Good Guy to both sides. The Liberals can still tout the N.O. is the choice of the People of God and a Movement of the sPiRiT. The Conservatives can point at one more document (remember Authenticam Liturgicam ?) and say "See! See! The Pope is with us. If only the Bishops would follow him ... " or some other hand-wringing that has been the staple of Catholic Conservatism for the past 25 years.
The Trads will cheer at first, and then realize that nothing is going to change. Chris Ferrara will write a 8 page article in The Latin Mass Magazine detailing the loopholes and inconsistencies within said document, and warn readers not to trust anyone (Bishop or Priest) who tries to implement it.
Meanwhile, we will go back to our lives -- replete with combat against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil -- and working our darndest to pass the Faith on to our children.
Quoting Pop Diva Whitney Houston, "I believe the children are our future ..."