Thursday, February 08, 2007

Cardinal Hoyos Interview

Once again, Cardinal Hoyos speaks regarding the Ecclesia Dei Commission et alia.

Steve is touching on the Novus Ordo - T.L.M. dichotomy here, but I would like to bring forth a comment by His Eminence:

I am constantly surprised that young people who have not known the Old Rite before discover the peace and mystery of the Old Mass. What is important is that the two Rites do not oppose each other but one should see the beauty and sanctity in both. (emphasis mine).

The N.O. virtually replaced the T.L.M. As such, there is naturally going to be a comparison between the two Rites. One is better than the other.

Yes, I know that the Sacrifice of Christ is infinite and perfect. Only God can judge the supernatural effects. That is not of which I speak. I speak of the natural which touches our humanity.

One is better at communicating the essence of the Catholic Faith.
One is better at catechizing the faithful.
One is better at instilling reverence for the Sacred.
One is better at lifting a fallen human nature.
One is better at maintaining the 'mystery' part of Sacred Mysteries.

When considering the above, there will be opposition between the two Rites. There should be opposition between the two Rites. When one thing replaces another, there cannot be perfect equality, unless it is replaced by the exact same thing.

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