Friday, December 21, 2007

Huckabee is not the Catholic Choice

Despite my initial support for Mike Huckabee, he is turning out to be a bad choice. I have been keeping abreast of Ron Paul via Catholics for Ron Paul. He seems like the best choice at this point.

See Steve's site for a more in-depth discussion.

Here is an interesting article regarding Huckabee's choice of campaign platforms:

Mike Huckabee to speak at strongly anti-Catholic preacher's church (John Hagee)


James H said...

Huckabee is the Catholic Choice. If people think ROn Paul's idea are compelling so be it. I fail too see that logic but people have different views.

As to this Chruch incident. George Bush spoke at Bob JOnes University of all places. He was very Catholic Friendly. I have escorted Catholics to very Evangelical Chruches where they spoke. Needless to say some of these churches did not have the most friendly Catholic sermons theology wise. Bobby JIndal GOv elect of LOuisiana a Catholic convert is a prime example.

Catholics and people of faith need to be careful here. IF we start declaring what theologies are off limits and thus we can't associate with those folks in the political process then we all become very divided in the political process.

IN the political realm we often share alot. However if some people want to go down that road so be it. I know if Catholics and Evangelicals had taken that course back in the 70 's and 80's then the pro-life movement would not as far as it is now. Something to think about.

HUckabee is going there not to get the anti Catholic vote. IF you watch his show which I ahve on occasion his main thing is the support of ISrael. That is why politicans show up there.

James said...

I think that Ron Paul's ideas are compelling. He is adamant and vocal about the idea of subsidiarity, which is very in line with Catholic social teaching. Huckabee would further centralize the power of the Federal Government, and lead us one step closer (at least) to an Amerikan dictatorship.

When it comes to associating with non-Catholics in the political or social realm, it is the Catholics that should be leading the way. And how far exactly has the pro-life movement come since 1973? Oh, that's right! Abortion on demand is still legal. And we can thank the centralized Federal Government for overturning South Dakota's ban on abortion ... twice. This is exactly the kind of thing that Dr. Paul seeks to end.

Finally, since when is support of Israel a good thing? They have effectively created Palestinian ghettos. No wonder the indigents rise up. The U.S.A. was wrong to create Japanese ghettos during WWII, and Israel is wrong to do the same to the Palestinians. No one has clean hands in that clustered mess, neither the Palestinians, nor the Israelis. The U.S. is best to leave that bear trap alone. Cue Dr. Paul ...

James H said...

Actually I would like to point out that the SOuth Dakota Abortion ban went to the voters and it lost. Well so much for us Catholcis organizing lets blame the Federal Govt

As to Israel Catholics of good faith can disagree on that. However I see no evidence that Huckabee would further centralize the Govt. And yes Cathoilics should be leading the way

I am pretty much asking Conservatives to take a step back. I think we ALL are beating up a tad too much on each other guys. At some point we have to come out united. Some of the rethoric has been over the top

Steve said...

I agree fully with James (the proprietor) though I do think James H makes a valid point on the danger of a "guilt by association" philosophy. If guilt by association were really an indicator, Dr. Paul would probably be in more trouble than anyone - his supporters include some real nutjobs.

I don't think that any politician in this country can keep ideologically pure. They need to be careful not to intentionally associate with known lunatics, but at the same time, it's virtually impossible to associate with anyone in a pluralistic society who doesn't become a liability to someone from another religion.

Huckabee is bad because his policies are bad (and I personally perceive him to be disingenuous, but that's another issue...) not because he associates with fellow evangelicals who we know are historically biased against Catholics.

I'm happy to wear a shirt that says "I am the whore of Babylon" and encourage their foolish (yet highly entertaining) heretical ideas. ;)

James said...

Catholics for Ron Paul

Anonymous said...

While I definitely support Ron Paul, I don't think the Huckster should be incriminated for speaking at Hagee's church, or that Bush was wrong to speak at Bob Jones. The leadership of those places are anti-Catholic, but so long as doing so might help the cause and it is not actually sinful, why not? I would speak at both of those places were I in their shoes.

Steve, I disagree. By assication, 911iani is much worse than Paul could ever be. Paul may have a few racists, but at least he doesn't have Norman Podhoretz [he once said he prayed to God every night that Bush will bomb Iran].