Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I'm Just Saying

There is a wonderful phrase that allows one to spout off about any subject without any consequences whatsoever. The phrase is, "I'm just saying."

I recently got an email:

Now, I know cultures are different and all, but where I
grew up the guy who couldn't keep a girl didn't go around throwing
"fag" insults at others. I'm just saying.

The one who posted this is free from all culpability resulting from the insult. The phrase, "I'm just saying" is an indication that the speaker is stating the obvious, and therefore the listener should not take offense.

Another such phrase is "God bless him". As in, "He's a no good bum and a pathetic loser, God bless him."

Once again, we see that rather than insulting the person, the speaker is actually giving blessings to the subject. Therefore, no offense may be taken. Rather, the subject should count his blessings for the obviously magnanimous statement.

So, only a filthy wretch could find fault with the illuminating logic demonstrated above.

I'm just saying.

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